
Assess Union Dues, Generate Member Invoices, and Manage Payments

​eMembership enables you to process direct payments from members. This includes monthly or quarterly dues assessment, invoice creation and distribution, and payment processing. Every member has an account against which dues assessments and payments are applied. This can be combined with employer deductions and checkoff (see Employer Payments), online member payments (see Member Web Portal), as well as lockbox collection and recurring payments (see Data Import). All activity is managed through a single member account.

eMembership assess union dues

Assess Dues

  • Dues may be assessed on demand with a single-button push, or scheduled to run on a monthly or quarterly basis.
  • Rates may be membership-wide or customized by region, employer. contract, and/or classification.
  • Entire dues rate schedules may be provided with effective start and end dates.
  • Dues assessment is separate from invoicing to maximize flexibility.
eMembership generate union invoices

Generate Invoices

  • eMembership makes it easy to print (or reprint) member invoices independent of any billing or dues assessment processes.
  • Invoices may be prepared all at once or in groups, according to various criteria.
  • eMembership allows you to email invoices as well.
eMembership payment processing

Book Member Payments

  • Payments are recorded as batches to help prepare deposits and/or bank reconciliation.
  • Batches can be organized by day, by operator, or any combination.
  • Batches are saved, but they are not applied until posted.
  • Once a payment is posted, the member’s balance is reduced by the amount paid.
  • Payments are automatically applied to open charges, based on your rules.
  • These default rules can be manually overridden by authorized users.
Manage union delinquencies

Manage Delinquencies

  • Search for delinquencies based on timeframe, status, amount due, charge type, and more.
  • Easily export to Excel for mail merge or other activities.
  • Features one-click assessment of late fee.
  • Features one-click suspension or other action.

For more information, request a demo, or contact a Winmill Account Manager at inquiry@winmill.com or 1-888-711-MILL (6455)